Ioana Petrescu does international consultancy work for various governments on issues such as debt management, tax reform and central government delivery. Ms. Petrescu is a former minister of finance of Romania. While a minister, she pursued policies to cut tax evasion and tax avoidance, to promote financial transparency, improve tax compliance, lower the overall tax burden for businesses and keep overall fiscal discipline. She also served in the Romanian government as an economic adviser to the prime minister and head of his delivery unit, where she monitored the implementation of the prime minister’s priorities across ministries. She was a research fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School during 2019-2023. She currently is a consultant for the World Bank focusing on issues regarding strategic management at the center of government. She runs the Center of Leadership and Innovation at SNSPA, the National School of Political Science and Administration. Ms. Petrescu also served as an expert for the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. She was an Assistant Professor at University of Maryland, College Park and she holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard. She writes on various issues including on governance and role of corruption on entrepreneurship. You can contact her here.
Interview with the World Bank at the IMF/WB Annual Meetings in April 2016 about the Romanian Delivery Unit
Blog post for the World Bank regarding the lessons learned at the Prime Minister Chancellery